“The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching.”
- 1 Timothy 5:17 (NIV)

Your presence
Purchase your ticket in advance! Tickets for this event are $50 per person or $400 per table. Click below and select Single Ticket or Table.
Souvenir Journal
A souvenir booklet will distributed during this 20th Celebration through which you can display your well wishes and salutations. Click below and select Half or Full Page Only.
Videos and Photos
Submit classic videos and photos of Pastor Val as you know her from preaching at a service, performing a wedding, attending an event with you, or just candid photo taken together in the community. Email these to info@celebratingpastorval.com.

About Pastor Val
Born as the oldest girl of seven children to Reverend Rudolph C. Allen, Sr., and the late Gloria Allen. Reverend Valerie Allen Thompson is a respected leader with extensive ministry roots. She answered her call to ministry on October 6, 1996. She received a rich education at Muscogee County School System, University of Wisconsin Madison, Mercer University and The Interdenominational Theological Center in Atlanta Ga.
The founder and only pastor of the twenty-five year old Revelation Missionary Baptist Church, Reverend Rudolph Carter Allen, Sr. felt the urge to retire in December, 2004. In his place would not be one of his three minister sons, but Valerie, his daughter. By inheriting her father’s pulpit, Reverend Thompson became the only female senior pastor in the denomination of Columbus among all local Baptist congregations.
Reverend Thompson has blessed the body of Christ preaching at many churches, speaking at Women’s Conferences, workshops and organizations all over Georgia and Alabama. She has received many awards and recognitions for her community service. She sits on the board of directors of the Urban League of the River Valley, and the board of directors of JBL. She was appointed by the Mayor of Columbus Georgia to sit on Council District Four.
Pastor Thompson was the first Woman in 150 years to be appointed to the Executive Board of the General Missionary Baptist Convention of Georgia and was recently appointed as the first woman to the Board of Directors of the National Baptist Convention USA Inc.
She and Reverend Reginald A. Thompson have four children, eight grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren. Her life and work are based on Philippians 4:13: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”